S-L-O-W Updated 6/1/2020

May weather has not been favorable for the giant pumpkin plants.  Also, considering that when I put them in the ground the plants did not appear to be healthy, I'm not surprised by the ho-hum growth.  I'm not sure if the unhealthiness was because of inferior seeds or there was some other issue.  They are growing, but at a relative slow growth.  For June 1st, they should be really taking off.  Hopefully, in a few days maybe things will change but this week will be hot and windy. Stupid SW KS weather!

Because of the unknown issues, I decided to start 3 more seeds on May 23.  I started a seed from my old 542.5 pounder; a seed from the 1068 (that seed produced my 542.5 pounder in 2017); and a seed from a 1713.5 pound pumpkin.  All three looked really healthy!  The 1713.5 plant appeared to be the most vigorous of the 3 (barely), so I planted it yesterday evening (the 31st) in a "new" part of the garden.  This area had previously been the hybrid iris, tulip, and daffodil plot.  The soil is suspect and I really had to work it up (not done yet).  We'll see how that goes.  Plus, a planting of June 1 is really late.  Here is that plant this morning...

The 1713.5 pumpkin was grown in 2015 by grower Woody Lancaster in Topsfield, Massachusetts (home of the giants).  It has interesting genetics and there is potential in that one.  I see the 2009 Wallace in that genetic tree.  BTW, if you want to be amazed by how these genetics are traced, check this out:

Here is the 250 plant....

And the 1257.5 plant....

This plant is actually looking pretty good with the color and all, especially considering what it looked like as a seedling.  However, for June 1, it should be much larger since it was planted on May 7.  But, the stem is really funky (flat) so I suspect that it will have issues as it gets bigger.  But, who knows?

I'm not expecting great success this year but I will keep it going regardless. Got to try.


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