
Showing posts from May 29, 2018

Update - STUPID WIND AND HEAT! 5/28/18

As expected, the weather was HOT and windy (almost a blow torch for May) with temperatures 95 to 98 this past few days.  The wind was blowing 25-40 MPH.  This took a toll on the pumpkins.  The two on the east side are not as protected and they took the brunt of the weather, while the other on the west side didn't do too bad.  Here are the two east side plants.... The 1522 plant.... The 1861 plant.... Late this evening I'm quickly building some tent type protection, from possible hail, high wind and heavy rain but also for any more hot and windy days for this next week.  Once the plants start vigorous vine growth and with more vigorous root growth, the affects of the hot wind should be less.