
Showing posts from June 1, 2020

S-L-O-W Updated 6/1/2020

May weather has not been favorable for the giant pumpkin plants.  Also, considering that when I put them in the ground the plants did not appear to be healthy, I'm not surprised by the ho-hum growth.  I'm not sure if the unhealthiness was because of inferior seeds or there was some other issue.  They are growing, but at a relative slow growth.  For June 1st, they should be really taking off.  Hopefully, in a few days maybe things will change but this week will be hot and windy. Stupid SW KS weather! Because of the unknown issues, I decided to start 3 more seeds on May 23.  I started a seed from my old 542.5 pounder; a seed from the 1068 (that seed produced my 542.5 pounder in 2017); and a seed from a 1713.5 pound pumpkin.  All three looked really healthy!  The 1713.5 plant appeared to be the most vigorous of the 3 (barely), so I planted it yesterday evening (the 31st) in a "new" part of the garden.  This area had previously been the hybrid iris, tulip, and daffod