
Showing posts from August 10, 2018

Another one bites the dust - Updated 08/10/18

What a weird growing season for the giants.  In the previous post I did a week ago (you can read that one by clicking here ) the issues all season were revealed.  I have another pumpkin that looks like it's also done and will decay!  The pumpkin on the 1861 which was at 15 pounds a week ago, measured at 37.4 pounds this morning.  That is a paltry gain.  But it's gained only 4 pounds in the past 2 days so it looks like it is ready to die off the vine, just like several others have!  That leaves nothing on the 1861 since I've been removing all the females!  UGH!   To get another pollinated will take about a week, or maybe if I dig through the jungle of vines and leaves I can find on that is close so I can at least have something on that plant! On to the 1522.  It's been making steady but not heavy growth.  A week ago it was 40 pounds - this morning it measured at 85 pounds. The past 2 days it's gained an average of 8 pounds a day which is WAY less than expected or d