
Showing posts from August 3, 2018

Bummed - Maybe Next Year - updated 08/03/18

What a disappointing growing season!  I had looked forward to making a run at a REALLY giant pumpkin this year - way bigger than the 542 pounder that I took to the state fair last fall.  I put forth a lot of effort in getting the soil right during the off-season (specific soil test from a company in Idaho specializing in giants), getting seeds with a lot of potential, and getting liquid amendments (micro-nutrients) to have a good chance of a REALLY big one. However, there seemed to be way more problems this growing season.  First, I started  the seeds much later than I wanted and attended to.  Second, the growing weather early on was brutal with high winds and high heat. Note:  Next year I will have to build a substantial tent to shade young plants from the southwest Kansas sun, heat and wind.  Third, we were on vacation to Colorado when the first pumpkin pollinated.  I really need to know what the pollinator is for following years potential seeds.  Plus, the pumpkins need to be poll