
Showing posts from June 27, 2018

Ridiculous Growing Weather - Update 06/27/18

This spring and now early summer have been brutal on growing giant pumpkins!  Top that off and I've been sickly for over 2 weeks which started with a brown spider bite (which is going to leave a nasty scar on my shin) concluding with being ill with constant neck pain and constant headache and fever (systematic secondary infection) for about 10 days.   I finally got back in the garden this evening - and it's not pretty out there! Since May 1, there have been 25 days that had wind 40 MPH or higher!  That is crazy!  Some of those days had heavy rain while others had scorching heat!  There have been 10 days of more than 50 MPH wind and 5 days of 65 MPH gusts!  The weather and general lack of care from me have left the pumpkins in not-so-good of shape.  I also had an infestation of squash bugs on one plant! The 1733 is doing the best, as far as color and such although I already lost the tip of one of  the secondary vines.  Here is that plant (note all the mud on the leaves - I&#