
Another half ton pumpkin grown!

I took the "Emree" pumpkin to the Kansas State Fair on September 6.   It taped (measured) at an approximate weight of 1,152 points.  On the scale it came in at 1,116.6 pounds and was heavy enough to take 3rd place at the fair.  The 2nd place pumpkin was 1,167 pounds (near Macksville) and 1st place was 1,235 pounds (from Stilwell).     My biggest pumpkin in 2021 was 1,187 pounds so this one was not quite as big but was the "prettiest".   When I loaded it up, I almost couldn't get it fit in the back of my pickup! After the fair concluded I picked the pumpkin up and the next day headed to Woodward, Oklahoma via a route from Kingman to Dodge City to Woodward.  I had a doctor appointment in Dodge - thus the long trip.  The Emree pumpkin will be displayed at Kenny Farms (petting zoon / pumpkin patch) until the 26th of October when it will be used for a pumpkin drop in downtown Woodward.  That should be quite a sight.  I will gather seeds at that time as several have

Got the Heck Out Of Dodge but trying again to grow a 1/2 ton pumpkin

After moving to Kingman (Kansas) in October, I wasn't sure if I would continue the giant pumpkin growing.  Alas, I succumbed to the addiction and broke out some ground here at the new place.  I got a soil sample and added the suggested nutrients specific to the Atlantic Giant.  On April 11th, I started 8 seeds under grow lights, which were: 1) A seed that granddaughter Emree brought me from Oklahoma (Bryan Baker from Woodward). He wasn't sure which seed it might be but the most likely pumpkin it came from was a cross between the 2015 Ford crossed with the1020 Ailts 2) Two seeds of my own 1187 pounder I grew in 2021. However, the seeds were crappy as I didn't get them out of the pumpkin due to work commitments (conference) and the pumpkin was starting to rot. 3) Three seeds from my own 822 pumpkin that I took to the Kansas State Fair in 2021 and took 2nd with. 4) Two seeds from my own 505 pumpkin I grew in 2020. Only 1 of the 1187 seeds germinated (surprisingly one did ger

Giving it another go!

Last year ended up being my best giant pumpkin growing season ever! Click here to read about the results that I posted last fall. To recap - the largest weighed 1,187 pounds but had a crack in it so I couldn't take it to the Kansas State Fair.  Another smaller pumpkin was taken instead and it came it at 822 pounds and took 2nd place.  The bigger one would have taken first and would have been a record for the fair. This season started out earlier than any previous growing season.  However, I've never encountered such brutal weather!  It's been ridiculous.  Going from near freezing to 100 degrees and then back to cold.  Hardly any rain has fallen with severe drought conditions continuing.  Then there is the wind; the friggin wind. It's been AWFUL and has beat the pee-wad out of the plants and I have lost one plant already. In May alone there were 19 days with 40 MPH or higher winds and 6 days above 50 MPH! The plants... During the winter I bid on specific seeds on 2 on-l

That's a wrap - 2021 season was sucessful!

The 2021 Atlantic Giant Pumpkin growing season came to a end earlier in September. My goal for the 2021 season was to grow a 1,000 pound pumpkin. Keep in mind that I'm in arid southwest Kansas and my pumpkins are grown outdoors, not in a greenhouse. There were periodic issues during the season such as a plant unexpectedly wilting, several plants with the main vine splitting open, HOT sun and wind withering the ends of the main vines of two the plants, a cracking pumpkin (more below). But, honestly since I made my goal I'm satisfied.  My biggest pumpkin grown from the 1990 Marintzer was a potential state fair winner. In August I was beginning to give thought of removing the pumpkin early to take to the Kansas State Fair. The entry had to be there in Hutchinson Kansas between 8:00 PM and 8:30 PM. I knew the pumpkin would potentially be over 1,000 pounds and knowing that the current record for the fair was 1,034 pounds - I thought I had a chance. But misfortune struck. Aft

Good news and better news!

If you read the previous blog entry on the 30th (click  here ), you learned that I was denied entry into the Kansas State Fair.  The word was I was past the extended "late" deadline.  However, the website clearly stated that late entries would be accepted, WITHOUT a deadline listed.  I fought it with the competitions director and lost, initially.  When I pointed out, again, that a late deadline was NOT listed, she went to the General Manager of the Fair and after discussion I was granted the right to enter (but I had to pay a $50 late fee - which was acceptable).  That is the good news. So, now I wait!  The pumpkin has to be delivered to the fairgounds on the 9th with a 30 minute window. The  better news?  I taped (measured) the pumpkin this afternoon and came up with an estimated weight of 994 pounds!  I could be off because it is difficult to measure by myself.  The length was 94 inches, the width was 98 inches and the circumference was 160 inches.  It "seems" to

This is going to be close!

 In the previous post on the 17th (read it  here ) the 1990 Marintzer was gaining a putrid 10 pounds a day (that is low for an Atlantic Giant pumpkin) and as of this morning the average weight gain has dropped to around 5 pounds a day.  One reason is probably the brutal SW Kansas weather that has occurred this past 2 weeks.  This morning the pumpkin taped out ~923 pounds.  I had planned on entering the pumpkin in the Kansas State Fair on the 9th.  But, today I found out that the deadline to enter has come and gone (it was POORLY advertised)!  Boy that sucks!  Even removing the pumpkin by the 9th, I still think it will be close to 1000 pounds by then.  The taped measurement is a little difficult to make given the size so that 923 pounds is only an estimate.  On the other hand, the genetics of this pumpkin are "heavy" meaning it just might actually weigh more than the measurement would suggest.  UGH! As mentioned, the SW KS weather has been unfavorable for pumpkin growing.  The

Close yet so far away!

In the previous post on the 10th (click  here ) the 1990 Marintzer pumpkin was gaining ~13 lbs a day, which is actually pathetic in the Atlantic Giant Pumpkin growing world, even at 61 days after pollination.  But since the growing plot is new without amendments and a soil analysis, I guess it's acceptable. This morning the plant was starting to show some insect/disease damage, thanks in part to a couple of days over 100 degrees last week.  But, it may still reach my goal of a half ton pumpkin.  This morning it taped (estimated) at 833 pounds and is now averaging 10 pounds a day.  Will it reach that 1000 pound goal?  I'm still optimistic barring any further or accelerated plant damage (let alone dealing with the stupid southwest Kansas August weather).  As of today, I'm heavily leaning towards taking it to the Kansas State Fair with the drop-off date of September 9.  If it could hold on to the 10 pounds a day then it would be around 1,063 pounds on the 9th (the KS State Fai