
Showing posts from August, 2023

Got the Heck Out Of Dodge but trying again to grow a 1/2 ton pumpkin

After moving to Kingman (Kansas) in October, I wasn't sure if I would continue the giant pumpkin growing.  Alas, I succumbed to the addiction and broke out some ground here at the new place.  I got a soil sample and added the suggested nutrients specific to the Atlantic Giant.  On April 11th, I started 8 seeds under grow lights, which were: 1) A seed that granddaughter Emree brought me from Oklahoma (Bryan Baker from Woodward). He wasn't sure which seed it might be but the most likely pumpkin it came from was a cross between the 2015 Ford crossed with the1020 Ailts 2) Two seeds of my own 1187 pounder I grew in 2021. However, the seeds were crappy as I didn't get them out of the pumpkin due to work commitments (conference) and the pumpkin was starting to rot. 3) Three seeds from my own 822 pumpkin that I took to the Kansas State Fair in 2021 and took 2nd with. 4) Two seeds from my own 505 pumpkin I grew in 2020. Only 1 of the 1187 seeds germinated (surprisingly one did ger