
Showing posts from July, 2021

Approaching uncharted territory but with issues

The last posting on the 9th (you can read it here ) I was pretty optimistic with the giant pumpkin growing for this season, up to that point.  The first pollinated pumpkin was up to about 150 pounds.  Today, 16 days later, I'm approaching uncharted territory! My biggest pumpkin I've ever grown was the 595 pounder produced last year, but well short of one of my goals of growing a half ton pumpkin.  That particular pumpkin 38 days after pollination (DAP38) was 339 pounds and that wasn't until Aug 22nd.  This year the1990 Marintzer pumpkin on DAP38 (today the 25th) taped at 534 pounds!  So, comparing at the same biological date - it's MUCH bigger!  More importantly it has put on 64 pounds in just the last 2 days!  Here is a pic of that pumpkin (and it's just barely showing any orange)... Certainly a lot could still happen (insects, disease, weather, split stems, etc.), but I'm liking  my odds that this will be my first 1000 pound pumpkin.  However, not every thing

Twenty pounds a day!

The last posting on July 4 (read it by clicking  here ) the pumpkin plants were ALL vigorous and healthy.  As of yesterday (8th) they continued to flourish.  At this point all 4 plants have pollinated and growing pumpkins.  The 1990 and 595 plants have 1 each; the 1989.5 has 3 pumpkins; and the 450 plant has 5 pumpkins pollinated and growing.  Why so many on the two plants?  I'm trying to determine which one to keep and need a few more days of growing to see which ones will stay and which ones will be aborted (culled).  I'll be making that decision really soon. The winner plant so far is the 1990 Marintzer and its pumpkin was pollinated with the 1989.5 Deletas.  That pumpkin as of yesterday (8th) was 21.5 days old (evening) and taped at about 150 pounds as seen in the picture below.  On the 4th it was at 72 pounds.  More importantly it is putting on 20 pounds a day for the last 3 days! But for me to be perfectly satisfied I would want to see a daily weight gain of 30 to 40 poun

So far, so good!

In my quest for the 1000 pound pumpkin, it would appear that I've made great strides this season based on the health and size of the plants and the fact that I had a pollinated pumpkin much earlier than previous seasons.   July 8th is the earliest date I've ever had a baby pumpkin that was left to grow.  This season I pollinated one on June 17th on the 1990 Marintzer plant.  However, that particular pumpkin had been growing at a much slower rate that even the 595 pounder I grew last year.  BTW, that one had a really good chance of reaching 1000 pounds had it not been for a split stem, that I was not aware of until the end of the season.  Anyway, this current growing pumpkin has really started to put on weight this past few days.  As of this afternoon (4th) it was taped at an approximate weight of 72 pounds. What is encouraging to me is that it's on a main vine and the plant itself is extremely vigorous and healthy.  Barring any setbacks, I think it could be putting on 20 po